Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, July 10, 2009

Yummy Sweet Potatoes!

Going to work with Daddy...while Mommy was at an interview.

Happy baby boy!

Sweet little Sam

Am I cute or what!

Sam had sweet potatoes for the 1st time on Monday. He seemed to like them a lot...he was smacking his lips the whole time. He was even fussing in between bites because I guess I wasn't getting those bites to his mouth fast enough. :) Tomorrow we will start Sam on squash...we'll see how he likes those. We weighed our little guy yesterday....he is about 15 pounds and 11 ounces. His weight seems to be leveling out.....but who knows, he could have another growth spurt over the weekend. We are taking him to get his 4 month pictures done tomorrow. Hopefully we will get one or two cute ones. :)

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