Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Rest in Peace Uncle Stan

My Uncle Stan went to go live with Jesus in Heaven early this morning.
We will miss him so much!
Please keep Granny, Papa, Pop, and Aunt Carol in your prayers.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Thank Goodness for the Weekend

Enjoying a nice and relaxed Saturday breakfast.
No place to go today.

Yum, bananas are still one of my favorite foods.

Riding the carousel at the mall.

Whoa, I think Mommy was getting dizzy. :)
Daddy said he would ride with me the next time.

A Meeting with Mommy

Mommy had a PTA meeting on Thursday and I got to go.
First we went and ate some dinner.
Then we played on the playground at Mommy's school.
I was pretty good during the PTA meeting. :)

Pizza Pizza Daddy-O

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Please Continue Praying for My Uncle Stanley

Meeting Uncle Stanley for the 1st Time on my 1st Birthday.

Uncle Stan came for a visit at New Year's for a Dawgs game.
He gave me some pom poms and showed me the Go Dawgs cheer.

This summer at Aunt Carol's House.

Uncle Stanley is in the ICU of a hospital in Georgia.
He needs us to lift him up in our daily prayers.
Stan is fighting this fight like a true Georgia Bulldog.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Aa is for Apple

Today, Mommy took me to pick apples at an orchard.
First we picked up our baskets at the produce stand.
The nice man gave me a basket just my size.
Then we drove into the orchard to the apple trees.
These are Arkansas black apples.
The trees were the perfect size for me to pick all by myself.
Mommy let me out of the car and I knew just what to do.

Here I am picking my first apple.
I had to pull hard to get the apple off.

The next apple was not as hard to pull off the tree.
I'm getting good at this. :)

I think I will pick some apples from another tree.
There are a lot of trees in this orchard.

Here's a good looking apple.

My basket is starting to fill up and get heavy.

I better let Mommy hold my basket for me.

Looking for a few more apples to add to the others.

This is so much fun.

This way Mommy....I found some good ones.

I'm ready to see what these apples taste like.

Let's go buy these Mommy.

Mommy and I bought our apples and picked up a few more items....
tomatoes, honey, and a little pumpkin.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

New This Week

The weather has been great this week. I am still enjoying school and tears are a thing of the past. A few new things from this past week: My backpack broke and I got a new one and Roger, my stuffed otter, is missing at school or home...who knows. Mommy said we will keep looking for him.

Having a little snack and drawing some pictures.

Am I cutie or what!

Homework....a little project "all about me."

The zipper on my old backpack broke. Here's my new one.

So it's a bit big....I'll grow into it. :)

Daddy, whatcha doing in there?

I think Daddy may need a little helper.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

Cheese! :)

Nana and Pop met us for dinner.

Milking a cow at the fair.

I got a lot to come out, but I missed the bucket.

What a nice cow!

This calf was born last week. Look how big her bottle is!

Feeding a goat....a little cautious of those teeth.

Bunny Rabbit! So soft!

These sheep were hungry!

Here you go Mr. Goat.

Am I brave or what!

Mommy, can I get in there with them?


I'm tickling you come your not laughing?

Are you ticklish here?

Why are you leaving Elmo? Don't you enjoy my tickling?

I think Elmo needed some help from my Mommy.

Ostrich...a little scary.

Ostrich races...even scarier.

Helping the band out...they must have known I am taking music lessons.

I love music!

Where can I get one of these instruments?