Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, May 28, 2010

Summer Here We Come!

Mohawk Sam :)

Do you like my hair-do? It's getting mighty long on top.

Chilling out...playing with his calculator. What a smart boy!


What a cutie!

Playing in a storage bin with his buddy...Georgia.

We pushed them back and forth....Sam enjoyed it....not so much for Georgia.

Georgia is ready to jump out. :)

Swimming for the 1st time.

Look at my cool swim outfit.

Our little family. :)

Mommy and Sam

Swimming with Daddy.
Sam's 1st NICU Reunion. We saw Ms. Melinda....the Labor and Delivery nurse that admitted Mommy the day before Sam arrived. Ms. Melinda said she used to go and snuggle Mr. Sam in the middle of the night while he was staying in the NICU. We also saw Ms. Karen and Ms. Rachel....Sam's favorite nurses from the NICU. They couldn't believe how big Sam had grown. Dr. John was there and was shocked at Sam's size and very pleased woth how happy and healthy he was. Several other NICU parents were there with their babies and they couldn't believe Sam was once a NICU. What a miracle our Sam is! :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Month in Pictures

Wow, we have been busy this past month. Sorry for taking so long to get some new pictures up. Sam flew a kite for the first time....I think Mommy and Daddy enjoyed it more than he did. Sam also graduated to a big boy car seat. He loves facing the front. He talks more and interacts more with whoever is driving. Daddy got the clippers out again this month. Sam's new haircut looks so cute and grown up. Nana and Pop visited last weekend and Uncle Mark later that week. Sam started a new thing...when he is around new people and feels a little bashful, he freezes and lays his head down. He did this to Nana, Pop, and Uncle Mark. He even it did it to Aunt Melissa when she got onto him the other day. We forgot to get a family shot on Mother's Day...whoops. It was very nice and relaxing. Sam and Nick surprised me with a very thoughtful gift. Poor Sam fell asleep at the dinner table on Mother's Day. We were eating lunch and it was super loud, but Sam had no trouble dozing off and using his cup for a pillow. Yesterday we bought Sam some new crayons and a Mickey Mouse coloring book. I think I was into it more than he was. Oh well. :) This morning while eating blueberries, he held one out for me to eat. So cute...except for him shoving his hand in my mouth and trying to give me berries that had already been in his mouth. We'll have to work on the whole "how to share" thing. We are still perfecting the art of walking. Sam gets a little braver with each passing day. He hasn't officially joined the walkers club yet. We are very exciting about summer. Mommy only has 2 more weeks of school!!!