Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

LOVEly Day**2/14

**Just saw this didn't post...whoopsies!
We had a wonderful Valentine's Day. Sam made Drew a precious card at church, we had some delicious crab for lunch, and ended the dasy with some scrumptious cupcakes.

Board Game

How cute are these two playing a board game on their nabi! :)

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Hiking Around the Lake

We enjoyed our time at Lichterman Nature Center yesterday afternoon. It's been interesting to see it through all the changing seasons this year.

Snoopy Brown :)

We went to see a movie when Nick got home. Drew affectionately refers to Charlie Brown's dog as Snoopy Brown. We thought the movie was super cute.

Napping in the Tent

"Spring" Haircuts

It felt like spring yesterday, so we headed to Supercuts. :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

☆Sam's Guessing Jar☆


Yankee is 11 years old today...that's 77 in dog years! The boys treated him to a frosty paws for breakfast. He'll probably get another before the day is over. Happy Birthday sweet pup!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Working Boy

Look how sweet this boy is in his "office" at Grandmother's house...complete with computer, phone, brief case, and coffee cup. Ha!

Lunch with Our Star

☆Show & Tell☆

Sam chose to bring this to school today to share with his friends. Boy has he grown since wearing this little outfit.