Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Dress Up is Fun!

Special Visitor

We sure were surprised to see Lindsey this afternoon! Her volleyball team was playing at the high school around the corner. What a great time catching up!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Our Piano Man

Sam put on a concert for us tonight. He's been practicing hard...getting better each day!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

So Many Books!

The other day I organized our book shelf upstairs according to AR level. Sam will be doing more Accelerated Reader this year where he read a book, tests over it, and earns points for how well he answers the questions. Now Sam can easily get to the books on his AR level. I also coded the books on on our shelf downstairs. Surprisingly, many if those books are AR books. Poor Sam, I think we had him reading on too high of a level. Whoops! He could read the words but struggled with the comprehension. He's doing much better with comprehension now that we've adjusted his level. Go Super Readers!

Nice Day for a Nap

Another Nice Letter from Sam

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Lunch Date with Mommy

School Work

This morning Drew practiced his letters on his Paw Patrol wet board. Little cutie!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Back to School Night

I was in Sam's classroom last night. His teacher went over all things 2nd grade with the parents. He already has some work up on the wall. His desk was a little on the messy side. All of his supplies were going every which way. I found his pencil box in his was empty. Really Sam! I resisted the urge but couldn't help but organize his desk while his teacher talked. Ha! I left him a note and told him where he could find everything. That boy!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

🎹 Sam's 1st Piano Lesson! 🎹

Boy was Sam excited to start piano lessons! We are looking forward to seeing his musical growth over the next year.

Monday, August 8, 2016

It's Official....

We have a 2nd grader, and he was missed today!

Little Helpers

We had our quarterly bug spray the week before last. He came back today to finish off a few of the tough survivers. Ha! He had plenty of help. He was so nice to the boys....answering their questions and letting them follow him around.

2nd Grade...Here We Come!

How is it possible that the summer break has come to an end? How did our sweet Sam grow old enough for 2nd grade? We had such an awesome summer break! Sam is so excited about all the possibilities of this new year...we are too! Thank goodness for a great school and wonderful teachers! We're also thankful we stayed on school wake up and go to sleep time for most of the summer. That definitely made getting back into our routine seamless. Here's to a good 1st day and to a great school year!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Good Bye Summer

We celebrated the end of summer last night at a little restaurant up the road. Everything there is SO good! The style of cooking reminds me of Grandmother Hayden's. It smells like her biscuits before you even walk into the place. Interestingly enough, they don't serve biscuits, so I'm not sure what I'm smelling. It could just be the country grease. The boys polished off their dinner but managed to save room for some delicious dessert. Good bye awesome summer...hello brand new school year!

Friday, August 5, 2016

Beep Beep

Supply Drop

We just dropped supplies off in Sam's classroom. Here he is with his 2nd grade teacher. Ready set go!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

🐾 Speck & Spectacles 😎

Sam had an eye exam this afternoon. The eye place just adopted this cute puppy...Speck. The boys went crazy over the pup! She is mighty cute. Sam was not excited about the grandpa shades he had to sport on the way home.