Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, July 17, 2009

4 1/2 Months Old

Sam is 16 pounds and 5 ounces. He is 24 inches long. What a big growing boy! This afternoon Nick got off work early and we went to see the new Harry Potter movie. Sam did pretty good. We did have to give him a bottle half way into the show. He was a little noisy while he was sleeping...but I don't think anyone noticed except Nick and I. Sam is a pro at eating veggies now. So far he has tried sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, and sweet peas. He doesn't seem to like carrots too much. He will eat them, but he seems to enjoy all the others better. We have one more stage 1 veggie to try before moving onto fruits. Sam's new thing this past week is getting his giggle box turned over. The first time he did it, I was singing a funny song to him and he just couldn't stop laughing. The next day Nick got him going when they were playing on his floor gym. I got that time on's too cute for words. Sam has really starting holding his head up higher and is starting to push his chest up. This is a new thing, so he only does it for a moment and then gets mad. We'll keep practicing. He loves his floor has a hanging penguin and gator. Sam boxes at the two of those when playing on his back. I got a few pictures of it...he really does look like he's boxing. We are having so much fun this summer. It's hard to believe we are coming to the end of another summer. Please keep me in your prayers. I have had several interviews and am waiting to hear if I will have a teaching position in the fall or not. Nick and I have put our trust in God.

Sleeping beauty. :)

Sam boxing the animals on his floor gym.

Daddy and Sam chilling on Sunday.
Georgia and Yankee love Sam's new floor mat.

I'm done playing Mommy!

Sam has rediscovered his swing this week. He looks like he's having fun...doesn't he!

No more carrots Mommy! (You should have seen me after Sam spit carrots all over the place.)

Can you tell how big I am getting!

Hanging out with Daddy.

Sam and his new friend.....Georgia :)

I love sweet peas!

Sam at his 1st movie...Harry Potter. :)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

He's getting SO big!!!!! Sweet cheekers he has! Love it :)