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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Getting Close to 5 Months Old

Just about a week and a half away from turning 5 months old. Wow, time sure does fly. Sam is changing more and more with each passing day. He seems to do something new all the time. He is really drooling a lot lately. We almost have to keep a bib on him all the time to catch the spit. I don't see any teeth breaking through yet. He likes to chew on his burp cloth or his bib. It must feel good on his gums. We have been putting Sam in his jumperoo this past week. His feet don't quite touch the ground yet. He likes looking at all the toys on it. We weighed Sam the other day and he has reached 17 pounds. He is still only 24 inches long. We can tell that his feet are starting to get bigger. We will soon be graduating to size 3 diapers. Sam has now had all of the stage 1 fruits and vegetables. He is doing great! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sweet little bear! I love him so much!! :)