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Friday, March 20, 2009

Midnight Milk Run

Last night when we called the NICU to check on Samuel, they said he was out of milk. I just dropped off a gallon sized freezer bag full of milk on Monday or Tuesday. Well, our little Samuel is becoming quite an eater! The nurse said she could just feed him formula until I came in today. I told Nick that I would not be able to sleep if I didn't run milk up to the hospital for Samuel. So, off I went to the hospital. :) It wasn't quite midnight, but it was close enough. I was so happy I brought the milk because Sam was wide awake when I got there. I have never seen him more alert. The nurse wrapped him up tightly and let me hold him. We just stared at each other. It was like meeting for the first time. I talked softly to him and he took in every word I said. I told him about all the nice people praying for him and how blessed we are. He is such a special little boy! :) This morning I drove myself to the hospital for a visit. It feels good to be able to come and go as I please. It was hard having to rely on others to taxi me around.
I almost forgot.....Samuel ate out of a bottle for the first time yesterday!!! The nurse tried him for a minute or two on a regular bottle and he didn't suck hard enough to get anything out. She tried a preemie bottle and he just about choked. She said he took in about 5ml. This is a great start. The nurse will try him again around 2pm today. She said he will probably have more success today since he knows that milk comes out of that thing. :) We will see.
***Pictures coming soon. I can't download pictures on the hospital computer. I may run to Nick's office. We have got to get a computer at our house! :)


Laine said...

Yay for a bottle! I'm so excited, he's doing so well!

Rachel said...

That's awesome!!! I am so happy to hear he is doing so wonderful!