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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The First Time I Saw An Angel

At around 10:30 am March 6th, I saw the sweetest thing little baby boy. He truly was a Little Bitty Levin. Here are the pictures that were taken on my first visit to the NICU.

The first time I saw my baby, I wanted to call him a cetain name. The name just felt right. It was a name that Nick and I had talked about before we got pregnant. When we got back to my room, Nick and I decided to name our sweet baby boy..........
Samuel Nicolas Levin.
Nicolas is of course after Nick. Samuel is after Nick's Dad's father and my Great-great-great grandfather Samuel Willett...founder of the catholic settlement in Western Kentucky. Samuel means name of God and Nicolas means people of victory. Later Friday night, I went back to the NICU to tell Samuel his name. :)

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