Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Praise God!

After my visit, my mom came and got me from the hospital. We went to Target to pick up a few items. I have been weak yesterday and today, so I rode in a wheel chair. I felt silly, but I knew I couldn't manage walking around the store. When we got back to my mom's house, I got a call from Samuel's doctor. He is being taken off the ventilator! They will also increase his milk feedings and decrease his IV feeding. He starts medicine today to correct a slight heart murmur. We should have news on his reaction to the medicine within the next day or so. Please continue to keep our little Sam in your prayers. He is a strong boy and continues to amaze us each day.


Amber Poynor said...

Prayer works!! Praise God! I just saw the pictures of an angel. He is absolutely beautiful. He is defenitely more plump than I thought he would be. What a beautiful miracle! I love that little boy so much and think about him ALL day and night. He is a fighter...just like his mommy. I am proud of you and Nick. Congratulations on your new blessing.

Laine said...

Yay on no ventilator! He's trying to get big and strong so he can see Robert and me. :) Let us know if you need anything, I know I say that all the time. :)

Jen said...

Power of Prayer!! I can't wait to see you. I know things are crazy. Just let me know when I can stop by.

Anonymous said...

Angela and Nick
He`s an absolute angel!It sounds like he`s doing better every day.
I`ll continue to prayer for you all.
I was so overcome with emotion when I saw his little pictures and read your blog. Give him a kiss for me!
I love you guys!