Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, March 13, 2009

We Held Our Samuel

On Wednesday (March 11th) I held my sweet boy for the first time. It was AMAZING!!! Nick held Sam for the first time yesterday (March12). He continues to grow stronger with each passing day. He is on c-pap...a breathing aid that covers his nose and helps him breath. The nurse took him off of c-pap yesterday, but he struggled too much. He was put back on around 11pm last night. They just don't want Samuel to get worn out trying to get this whole breathing thing down. He will get there...I have no doubt.
**Picture & video coming soon. My parents have dial up and I am not patient enough to wait. :)
Samuel is 1 week old today. It's hard to believe a week has already passed. Please continue to lift our Samuel up in your daily thoughts and prayers. That is what is getting him through....his mommy and daddy too. :)


Laine said...

Happy One Week Birthday Samuel! :)

Rachel said...

Wow, crazy that it's been one week (over one now). I can't wait to see that little peanut! Love you and praying for you all!!

Natalie said...

Hey, I just wanted to stop in and let you know I have been thinking about your little guy and you guys too! Amber is keeping me pretty up to date on his progress, he really seems like a strong little boy! Good luck with everything and I will continue to pray for all of you!