Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Growing Like A Little Weed

Today Sam weighs 4 pounds 8.5 ounces and is 17.5 inches long. That is a gain of 1 pound and 1/2 an ounce and 1.5 inches from where he was at birth! He has been gaining about 1-2 ounces per day. Yesterday he got the hang of nursing. It was as if the light bulb came on and he knew exactly what to do. He bottle fed 1/2 an ounce yesterday...still trying to get the hang of the bottle. He changes more and more each day. Thank you SO much for your thoughts and prayers. God is definitely with our Little Bitty Sam Levin! :)

Wearing a preemie outfit from Aunt Jessica. It reads...I'm Just Bananas Over Mommy!

Wearing pants too!

Can you tell how big I'm getting?

All snuggled in a fresh blanket.

Daddy and Sam this morning.

Special time with Daddy this morning.

My good friend Jennifer made this hat for Samuel. Isn't it cute! :)

All snuggled up after nursing yesterday.

Bonding with Mommy.

Samuel and Mommy having special time.


I had a shower with my class on Friday. I forgot my camera, but my room mother is going to email me some pictures from the big day. Everything was so nice. The parents put a lot of energy into making it a special day for me with my students. I received several lovely gifts....lots of clothes, blankets, and burp cloths. Several parents went in on the purchase of the stroller and jumperoo. I miss my class! :(


My siter Kathy threw a shower for me in Nashville on Saturday. It was a small and intimate gathering. It was so nice to be with my sisters and a few friends I had not seen in a while. Again, I received lots of nice things for Samuel.

At my shower on Saturday in Nashville. Kathy was so nice to put this together for me.

My friend Rachel and I at my shower in Nashville. She has 3 boys and getting ready to pass some clothes and baby stuff to me. Yippee! :)

This cake was yummy! :)

The message in my sister Kathy's kitchen.


Ms. Karen (Sam's favorite nurse) is feeding him a bottle on Thursday 3/26.


Laine said...

Oh my goodness, I can not believe how grown up he looks with clothes on! I'm going to email Robert a picture. :) I can't wait to see all your stuff from your showers. :)

Jon and Angela said...

He is so adorable. What an absolute doll. You, Nick and Sam are in our hearts and prayers.