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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Another Great Day

I just spent the last hour and a half with my sweet Samuel. We tried nursing again. This is a slow process, but he is doing a great job. I also pumped while holding him. All in all, it was a wonderful bonding session with my little man. Oh, and we ended our visit with a stinky diaper change. The nurses are allowing me to do more and more with Sam to become more comfortable. I almost forgot, when Nick and I got there this morning, Sam was wearing clothes! I snapped a few pics....I'll have to post them later. The nurse said they were going to try and take him out of the incubator today since Sam has made it to 4 lbs.

1 comment:

Laine said...

Aw! I bet he looks so cute with some clothes on! I'm glad ya'll came over last night, it was fun. :)