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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Due Date!

Today is the day I was originally due to have a baby. Wow, was that day off! Sam was just ready to get here. The doctors never were able to determine why our little guy came so early. On my future pregnancies I will be labeled as "high risk." I will have more doctor visits, more ultrasounds, more testing done, etc. I will also have to do injections to make sure I do not go into labor. As much as I loved being pregnant, for financial reasons, we are a ways off from planning another baby. :) We will let you know when another Levin in on the way. :) Speaking of finances, most of you know by now that I will not be returning to the school I'm at now for the coming school year. Babies are expensive and medical bills are high....I have interviewed with Shelby County Schools which are able to pay their teachers quite a bit more. It will be so hard to leave such a wonderful school. I'm trying to stay positive about the whole thing....this will be a whole new adventure for me in the fall. If any of you have any connections at any of the SCS, please let me know. :)

1 comment:

Laine said...

I told Robert last night that today was your due date, that's so crazy. Good luck with your job searching. :) Call me sometime if you're ever not busy, I'm sure it's kind of crazy around there with the all the readjusting going on.