Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Some Pictures

Okay, I've made it to Thursday....only 2 more days of school until the weekend. Working and having a baby is hard work. I don't know how people do it. What a whirl wind! The whole day and night go by so fast. I feel like I'm running a race....there are so many things to do but only a certain amount of time to do them. We don't have much time in the evening before getting ready for bed. The time we do have with Sam in the evening is precious though....quality over quantity I guess. Last night Nick and I gave our little man a bath and read him some stories. He is so alert after a bath. He just looks around and takes everything in. I swear he's listening to the stories we read to him. He loves Daddy's deep voice. His neck muscles are really strong. He can turn his head from one side to another and hold it up when on his belly. The pediatrician said he has the neck muscles of a 4 month old....and this was said when he was only 7 weeks old! We gave Sam gas drops for the 1st time last night. They gave him immediate relief....poor little guy. He's gassy like his Daddy. :)

Taken after his bath and stories and playtime. What a cutie huh!


Laine said...

Oh my goodness, he is getting so big! I can't imagine how busy ya'll are right now! He's so precious...tell him we miss him! :)

Unknown said...

I love the new pics! I can't believe how big he's getting! Hang in there...six more work days and then you get a two month vacation to spend with your sweet Sam! He's absolutely adorable! Love ya'll to pieces!! :)

Rachel said...

Aww!! I love those!! I have the almost ExACT same pictures of Jakeb on the couch! He's even doing the same thing with his fingers. So funny!
Hang in there chicky not much longer!