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Saturday, May 30, 2009

2 More Pounds

Sam has grown 2 pounds since I last posted! He is now 11 pounds and 4 ounces! He continues to grow at a rate of about 1 pound per week. We have had a lot of fun this past week. Being back at home with him has taken some getting used to, but I'm loving every minute. I can't believe school is out for the summer. The school year went by so fast. Here are some new pics:

Sam and Laine. 1st pic together...not her first time holding Sam. This is the girl who comments to all my posts. She is such a loyal blog follower! :)

Sam and Robert (Laine's husband).

Uncle Austin came for a visit. This is the 1st time Austin ever set eyes on Sam.

Sam and Aunt Linda. 1st pic together...not her first time holding little man.

Sam and Daddy....big boy!

Sam and Uncle Patrick.

Relaxing after a big bottle of milk. Look at my big legs. :)

Today with Grandmother. Do you like my muscle shirt?

Eating a bottle from Grandmother. Do you like my new shoes? :)


Rachel said...

Sweet sweet! Boy and I recognize that muscle shirt!!! LOVE it!! And we are on vaca I got your message I will call you back in a day or so I promise :) Kiss Sam for me!!

Laine said...

I'm so glad he got some shoes, haha. I looked for some tube socks for him at Journey's Kids yesteday, but they didn't have any small enough. :(

Unknown said...

I LOVE that pic of Mom and Sam! Very sweet!! :)