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Monday, May 11, 2009

Back at School

Well, I went back to school today. I am surviving. I miss Sam A LOT, but I feel good that he is at home with my mom. Mother's Day was wonderful yesterday. Nick made me feel super special. We had a nice relaxing day with Sam. My kids are at lunch right now. It was great to see their smiling faces this morning. I didn't realize how much I missed them!
Sam weighs about eight pounds now! I'm not sure exactly how much. We'll have to make another visit to the NICU to see for sure. :)


Rachel said...

Can't wait to see you girl!! He's such a cutie!! AND I know he looks like Nick but something in those pictures says Angela too!!

Laine said...

Aw, sweet boy. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you when you get home this afternoon! Glad you're making it through your first day! :)

King girls said...

Hey!!! Rachel, Hannah and I couldn't wait to check out your website when we got home! I wish we had this sooner so we could have followed Sam's progress all along!! He is just TOOOOO cute and looking great!!! He is a lucky boy to have you as his mommy!! Rachel has been praying for you and Sam every night since she heard you were going to be a mom! Take care, Mary, Rachel and Hannah