Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Almost 9 Weeks Old!

We visited the NICU on Monday and weighed Samuel. He is 7 pounds and 6 ounces! The nurses could not believe how much Samuel has grown. They were so happy to see us. He just might reach 8 pounds by my due date....May 13th. Nick, Sam, and I are really starting to get used to our schedule. It seems like we've been doing all this forever. We love Sam so much!!! Can you believe Sam will be 9 weeks old this Friday. Thank you for continuing to pray for us. Here are some cute pictures captured over the last few weeks. Enjoy! :)

Big yawn! :)

Sweet Samuel!

Hehehe...morning shot of Sam and Daddy. :)

Quiet....I'm sleeping.

Mommy and Sam just lounging away.

Daddy and Sam sneaking in a quick nap. :)

Sam in his bouncy chair....not happy. He wanted his pacifier. :)

What's up guys!

Sam all wrapped up in one of his new blankies.

Getting ready for a bath. Raise your hand, raise your hand if you're sure. Sam is sure! :)


Laine said...

These pictures are all so cute! Robert's new schedule is crazy! I don't we're even going to see each other for several days in a row! I'll have to call you soon and try to make some dinner plans. :)

Rachel said...

Awww!! He's such a cutie pie!! I can't wait to come see you guys!! I am still thinking May 15th/16th will work.

Unknown said...

I love all the new pics Ang! Sam is so sweet!! I hope you had a great first Mother's Day! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Don't worry...these next two weeks will be done and over before you know it! Love you!