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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Long Day

Today I nursed Samuel at 8am and then enjoyed some snuggle time with him. Our snuggle time ended when little man filled his britches. :) I got up to change him and was about to close his clean diaper when he filled it again. He's making sure I have this diaper changing thing down. :) Then it was time for me to pump. After pumping, the neonatologist came in and checked Samuel out. He was very excited about Sam's lack of PDA (see yesterday's post for more info on PDA). He was also excited about the weight gain Samuel has shown. The doctor suggested I start to nurse Sam 2-3 times a day and see how he does. So, I left the hospital and headed to my Mom's house to take a quick nap, eat some lunch, and pump again before heading back up to the hospital. I killed some time checking email and such. I will go up and nurse my little guy in about 10 minutes. That will be extra calories for him because he is still being fed by the tube. The nurses had to move his tube from his mouth to his nose this morning because Sam kept pulling it out. It broke my heart to see the nurses putting it in his nose. It didn't hurt him, it just caused him to gag some. It took 3 tries to get it in place. I have to admit...I cried. I told Nick that he would have to take Sam for his shots. :) Well, it's time for me to sign off. Keep praying guys! :)

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