Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, April 3, 2009

4 Weeks Old Today!

Samuel is 4 weeks old today. Wow, that is hard to believe. He has accomplished so much over the past month. With love and prayers, our little Sam has come a long way. As of today, he weighs 4 pounds 11 ounces.....just 5 ounces away from the 5 pound mark. He still has nasal prongs and is taking in oxygen at a rate of 25%. We breath in oxygen at a rate of 21%, so Sam is very close to being off the nasal prongs. We should see a lot more progress once he is off the oxygen. The doctor said some babies just take a little bit longer to wean off the oxygen. The nurse and I worked out a new feeding schedule for Samuel today.
8am Mommy will nurse Sam + Tube feeding
11am Nurse will bottle feed Sam
2pm Mommy will nurse Sam + Tube Feeding
5pm Nurse will bottle feed Sam
8pm Mommy will nurse Sam + Tube Feeding
11pm Tube Feeding
2am Tube Feeding
5am Tube Feeding
This will be a lot for Sam, so please say some extra prayers for our little guy. If Sam continues to gain weight or hold his weight over the next few days, we will add more nursing sessions and bottle feeding sessions. They will also start to pull his tube feedings when I nurse him. This weekend and next week will be a big transition for Samuel. Hopefully it will lead to him coming home very soon. Nick and I are ready for that day to come. :)

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