Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, November 11, 2016

The Yellow Trails

When I go to Heaven, I know there will be hiking trails like the ones we encountered today. I am so blessed to have two little sidekicks that enjoy getting out in nature as much as I do. I filled their bellies up with lunch before leaving the house, which set us up for a wonderful hike. We bundled up, each packed a bag with water and snacks, and off we were. This was our first time on the yellow trails. The path was marked by yellow arrows or yellow dots of spray paint. That made the journey quite fun...almost felt like the movie Troop Beverly Hills. 🚩 There were so many ups and downs along the way, and we really had to watch our footing. I think we ended up hiking a little over 3 miles. We got a bit turned around at one point on the yellow trails and started back tracking...which ended up being okay. We weren't quite done after that, so we hit the blue trails. We happened upon an old grave yard and veered off the trail to explore. We didn't stay there a little spooked with all the sounds rustling around us. A small hawk type bird flew up from out of nowhere, and there we were in the middle of a scary movie! 😣 We found our way back to the trail and made it back to the lake. THIS WAS SUCH AN AMAZING DAY! We will definitely return there again soon (minus the grave yard).

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