Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, March 17, 2014

Drew Graduated

We walked into the baby room at Drew's school today and his cubby was gone. His teacher told us last week was gonna be Drew's last week in the baby room...well he missed last week for spring break.  So today was his first permanent day in the next classroom.  There are lots of new exciting changes in the new room. He will start sleeping on a mat at nap time.  He'll have a set lunch time and snack times with his friends.  He will go outside to the playground on most days. My sweet baby has recess! He will be drinking more from a big boy cup and less out of a bottle. Sam was so sweet...after we dropped Drew off he wondered if he would be happy in his new class. As we left school and headed to Drew's school for pick up,  Sam said he couldn't wait to see how his brother's day went. So sweet! Drew seemed to have a great day, but he was very clingy when we got home. He had to make sure he was still the baby at home...even though he's becoming quite a big boy at school. :) 

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