Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 30, 2013

7 Weeks Old

Drew turned 7 weeks old on Tuesday.  We weighed him at the doctor's office and he is 9 pounds 7 ounces! That's one ounce away from 9 1/2 pounds. What a big growing boy! Drew is starting to settle into a nighttime routine.  Depending on what time he goes to bed, he only wakes once or twice in the night. He's up @ 11pm and again @ 2 or 3am. Last night he skipped the 11pm feeding.  He smiles all the time now. I halfway caught him smiling this morning.  So precious!  He loves to be sung to and talked to. He moves his mouth like he's trying to tell us something.  He hasn't quite started gooing, but he's almost there. We go for  his 2 month shots soon....not looking forward to that.

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