Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, August 2, 2010

Almost 17 Months Old and Starting School

Sam will be 17 months old on Friday. Our summer officially came to an end today......I started in-service and he started preschool. Today was our Little Sam's 1st day of school. So here's the story....we toured the center several times and Sam was his normal self.....happy and ready to play. Long story short...I took too long talking to the teacher this morning and Sam cried when I left. This broke my heart into a million pieces! I got all teary eyed and then had no choice but to head to the car. I got a little cry out in the car on the way to school....and a tiny cry out at school. All in all, I got it together and learned that drop-off has to be done faster than what we did this morning. I also learned that Sam is a bit more unpredictable than I thought. I also learned that saying good-bye...even see you laters are not always so easy. Tomorrow is another day and I think Sam and I both will be ready. By the way, he did awesome today. He ate all his meals and laid down for nap all by himself...just because the other kids were doing it. They lay on cots....such a big boy. I have a ton more pictures to post...I hope to get them up soon.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Look at him so big!! Sorry he cried :( I hope tomorrow is a better day.