Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, June 19, 2009

15 Weeks Old Today

Sam in his bouncy chair this morning after eating his breakfast.
Sam weighs 13 1/2 pounds! I'm not sure his length...we'll have to get the tape measure out later today. A lot has happened since the last time I posted. We visited the NICU last Thursday. Ms. Karen and Ms. Rachel could not believe how big their little Sam had grown. They aren't used to holding such big babies in the NICU. :) Sam has been home for 2 months now. On Sunday, we went to church. On the way home from church, we had a "wildlife experience." We saw two baby raccoons and stopped to take their picture. As we pulled into our neighborhood, there was a turtle crossing the street...we got his pic too. And on our way to lunch, we saw a vulture type bird....scary looking. Grandpa Larry and Grandma Sue came down from Clarksville and took us to lunch. It was Sam's 2nd restaurant experience. We had a great visit.
Sam has been on preemie formula and milk since we brought him home from the hospital. The preemie formula has high levels of lactose to support the growing needs of a premature baby. Well, Sam started rejecting the formula a couple of weeks ago....lots of spit up and stuff. We have been trying different formulas recently.....lactose free, soy, and partially digested protein. Keep us in your prayers. Seeing our little guy spit up and go through gassy episodes is almost unbearable. Hopefully what we have him on now will work.
We have a big weekend planned. Tomorrow we are traveling to Paducah, KY for a family reunion/baby shower. My mom's side of the family wants to shower our Sam with gifts. It will be nice to see everyone. Sam will get to meet his little cousin, Ava Jane for the fist time. She is a month older than him. It will be interesting to compare them in size. Later Saturday
afternoon, we are traveling to Eagleville, TN to meet Sam's best friend, Blain. Blain is my friend Amber's baby. We were pregnant together. Blain was suppose to arrive 8 weeks before Sam, but Sam is actually 2 1/2 weeks older than Blain. I'll try to get pictures of the weekend up asap.

What a sweet little boy!

Daddy says my hat looks silly....what do you think? :)

Look at this scary bird!

Grandpa Larry and Grandma Sue.

On our way to church. Sam is so well behaved in church. He loves the music. :)

A turtle crossing the street in our neighborhood.

Two baby raccoons playing near our church.

Sam and Ms. Rachel in the NICU.

Sam and Ms. Karen...visiting the NICU.

Whoops, Mommy woke Sam up after snapping a picture of him.

Snoozing the afternoon away.

Sam waiting for Mommy to get his bottle ready. Feed me Daddy!

Flowers from Uncle Austin and Aunt Bethany.


Laine said...

That picture where you woke him up is so funny. I can't believe we haven't seen ya'll in so long! I'll have to put Sam's bouncy seat together for him! :)

Rachel said...

I personally LOVE the hat!! And I LOVE to see him wearing the clothes I gave you...reminds me of Gavin in them! Love it! And he has gotten so big!! Can't wait to see you guys this weekend!