After Nana gave me a bath, I was ready for story time with Pop.

Last story before heading to bed.....
we have a big day planned for tomorrow.

Our 1st stop was the park.

This is a cool swing!


This park has a lot of space where I can run without any help.

I love going down slides! I can do it all by myself now.


Again, again!

What fun I had at the park!

Next, we went on a nature walk through the forest.
We were keeping our eyes peeled for wildlife.

Daddy found a vine for us to swing on.
He was so brave to be the 1st one!

Go Pop Go!

Hold on tight Nana.

Look at Mommy go!

My turn swinging on the vine.

Look at that river!

Picking flowers with Mommy.


Get back here you bubble!

What are we stopping for Nana?

Keep it moving, keep it moving. :)

Water anyone?

Breaking for a snack.

Kiss kiss from Daddy.

Wait up Daddy!

1-2-3 is SOOO much fun!
Another trip to the Zoo.......................
Come play with me sheep.
It's okay, I speak sheep....Baaa baaaaa.

Old Mac Donald had a Farm.....E-I-E-I-O!

Mommy was scared this rooster was gonna peck me.
Look how brave I am. I wasn't scared of him at all.

Wow, look at that water wheel turn.

Let me down Mommy...I've got animals to see.

Cool train...Grandpa would love that.

Little goats....now what sound do they make?

Pigs....Can we take him home?




Large....Kimodo Dragons

Look at those hippos!


Hi Ya-Ya! Are you having fun outside today.
(FYI: It is VERY rare to see the panda outside at the zoo.
This was our 1st time...what a treat!)

Le Le was chillin' inside munching on some bamboo.

Hi Mr. Zebra, do you remember me? It's Sam. :)

Checking out the giraffes....boy are they tall!

I think the baby wants to be my friend.

Here ducky ducky.

Rah...this is my tiger stance. Are you scared?

I think they were scared.
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