Hangin' with some of my cousins at Grandmother and Granddad's house.

Playing cars with the boys.

There's a whole box of cars at Grandmother's house!

Uncle Dave and Mathew are giving me some pointers. :)

Dump the whole box?

Snack time!

Getting some help from Daddy peeling.

I Love Bananas!

Uncle Mark came for dinner.

Yes Mark, that's your ear.

See, you have two ears.

A birthday present from Cole and Cooper!

I love it Uncle Mark!


The bubbles didn't come with a wand, so we used what we had.

Where are you taking my bubbles!


Story Time with Uncle Mark.

Another book please.
Crazy that he is going to be 2!!! Sweet boy!!
I cannot believe Uncle Mark brought in Sam's present without it being wrapped....I'm gonna have to get him for that...unwrapping is half the fun!! I hope Sam likes the bubble mower...Cole always LOVED his.
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