“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else” (Booker T. Washington)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Birthday Party at School
We sent some birthday treats with Sam on Friday. His school friends helped him celebrate his birthday. The teacher took a few pictures for us. It looks like he had a great day. Nick and I are looking forward to celebrating Sam's birthday on Sunday. It is SO hard to believe that boy is turning two. Time sure does fly! We haven't gotten on the scale or measured height in about a month, but I think he is about 34-35 pounds and 36 inches tall. He is wearing a size 7 shoe and most of his clothes are 24 months/2T. He has 10 teeth on the top and ten on the bottom...4 of the twenty are still pushing their way through. Sam's language has exploded this past month. I would say he has a vocabulary of about 100 words. This number goes up each week with the words he picks up at school. We are very pleased with Sam's school. He is happy, safe, and learning so many new things. Sam loves playing outside. His favorite place is the park. He also enjoys art....coloring, drawing, stamping. Climbing has become a big part of Sam's activities. He moves chairs around the house to flip the lights on and off or to reach things we have tried to keep away from him. You definitely can't take your eye off him or he is into something. He has mastered most every baby proofing gadget we own. This has forced us to be quite creative with our baby/toddler proofing. Oh well. Sam likes to take things apart, push buttons, dance, sing, read books, chase the dogs...you name it, he's into it. He is a great eater. There is not a lot he will not eat. As his vocabulary develops, it is interesting to see the food items he requests. He has his "2 year old" moments for sure. We are working with him on not fussing or throwing fits....this is a work in progress. Some days are better than others. :) Nick and I love him dearly and could not imagine our lives without him. Most mornings and evenings, we sit back and laugh at what Sam is saying or doing. We also exchange smiles when he is engrossed in an activity or sitting quietly. Sam loves to snuggle and give kisses away. He is and always will be "Our Little Bitty Levin"....not matter how big he grows.

Just sitting down for breakfast.
Just sitting down for breakfast.
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