I was in a Christmas pageant at my school last week.
Here I am getting rested up before the performance.

I'm waiting with all the other shepherds to get into costume.

Mommy and Daddy came early to dress all the shepherds.

How cute am I!!!

Mommy gave me a pre-play pep talk.
She even gave me tootsie rolls for being so good.

Here I am walking in with Miss Stephanie.
Notice my cheeks are full of tootsie rolls! :)

Still chewing...

Hey, I see my Daddy! :)
There's my buddy Kaiden on the left and Cooper on the right.

This play thing is pretty fun!

I feel like a movie star....so many cameras!

The whole school had a part in the pageant.

Being a shepherd is not so bad.
Here I am enjoying a post-pageant tootsie!

Heading back to the classroom with Miss Stephanie for our Christmas party.
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