Snow Day #5 or 6...maybe even #7. It's easy to loose count this winter. Memphis hasn't seen this number of snow systems in a long time. Sam did not like the first couple of snows, but he has had a chance to warm up to this white cold stuff. Look at that face....pure excitement!

Is that snow I see??!!??!! (Just waking up and running towards the window.)

Ready for my Flinstone! (Sam has just started taking a gummy vitamin each morning....he doesn't let us forget to get the bottle down. )

And you wonder why Mommy and Daddy call me a little monkey! :)

Reading a book with Daddy.

What a fun morning!

You call this childproof...yeah right!

Like father......

....like son :)

Me and my Daddy!

Our family....all ready for a snow play day.

Me and my Mommy.....all bundled up!

What a serene, snowy picture.....but wait, look very closely....

Upon closer examination, you see Daddy flipping over the deck to get a "sled".

Thanks for the sled (sand box top) Daddy!

Hiking up a "mountain" with Daddy.

Made it to the top!

Helping Mommy make a snow angel.

Isn't it pretty! :)

Taking a little walk with Mommy.

Walking in the snow is fun!

Let's go Daddy.

Busy, busy, busy

Here's my makeshift shovel. :)

Trying to get all the snow off the bushes....this is hard work!
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