Playing in my duck boat.

Chillin' in my chair....catching up on my shows.

I can't believe my mom had the camera out at a time like this. Mommy kept saying my cousins were so helpful. Here I am with Becca and Mikayla.

Getting into the toys at Grandmother's house. My cousins were all piling into the closet behind me. They said I'm not big enough yet....maybe next year.

Happy Thanksgiving Granddad!

Happy Thanksgiving Grandmother! You were so nice to cook for 30 people.

Aunt Kathy, Aunt Linda, and Aunt Debbie...they love me so much. So do Aunt Jess and Aunt Mel...Mommy just forgot to get the camera out before they left.

Going to clean up a mess.

Hey Baby...I'm so thankful you came to spend the night with us.

Hey Liv and Uncle Ron..I love Baby. :)

What, you don't eat your crayons when you color?

It gives your teeth such a nice new color.

Pulling out the toys at Nana and Pop's house.

One of the 1st things I do when I visit is play the piano.

I'm really getting good. :)

Seeing if I can assist (get into anything) in the kitchen.

Playing some tunes with Pop.

Coloring with Cooper and Aunt Bethany.

See Nana, I can color and drink juice all at the same time.

I sure love to color!

White Christmas Party...just the girls.

Must be wearing pj's for admittance.

White Christmas is an oldie but a perfect way to get into the holiday season.

All decked out in our pj's. This 1st annual event may turn into a tradition.

Helping Daddy put up the tree.

Am I a good helper or what!?

Okay, even helpers stop and have some fun. :)

Before all the decorating. Nap time for non-decorators.

When I woke up from my nap, the tree was all decorated. Mommy and Daddy sure were busy when I was asleep. Is that a plug I see?

Bells...I love bells!

If I shake it, it makes noise!

Check this out Daddy.

I can even hang it back on the tree. Daddy said Mommy didn't put even half the ornaments on the tree that she usually does. I wonder why?

Jingle Bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. :)

Our Advent wreath, Christmas count down, Snow globe, and Nativity set.

Mommy, can I eat this later?

Alright Santa, all I want for Christmas is to get this thing opened.

Come on Santa, take those white gloves off and give a fella some help. :)

Yay, I got my high chair tray back. Uncle Austin and Aunt Beth dropped it by the house while we were at church this morning. Mommy and Daddy left it at Nana and Pop's house on Friday.
hahaha sweet boy! i had soo much fun at your house. thank you for letting us stay! i love you soo much! Merry Christmas! love,
Awww Kim. Thanks for commenting. I don't get too many comments these days. It's nice to know people are still enjoying the blog. xoxox
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