My mommy made me some pretend coffee.

Stirring my cup....just like Mommy. :)

Tastes good!

These pictures are in the reverse order....Watch me go from oh so messy, to not so bad. :)

As you can see......I love spaghetti!

Getting better and better at feeding myself with a spoon.

Sometimes hands are just easier.

This is before all the mess occurs.

Happy Birthday Grandmother!

Ice cream.....yum!

Laying still while my ear drops go in my ear.

Look at my mountain of couch cushions.

Stinky face!

I look so cute here....what's really sad is I fell right after Mommy snapped the pic!

Havin' some fun with Mommy.

Time for a rest.

Look how long my hair is getting.
This is my sweet as pie face.

This is my serious face....is it working?

Mr. Sam is 17 and a half months old. He has been getting used to school the past 3 weeks. Last week, his school created new room for Sam's age group. Over the past few weeks they have been slowly making changes at school...moving the bigger kids to their appropriate rooms to make room for incoming itty-bittys. Monday started week 4 for him. I think he is handling this new change pretty good. The new routine has taken some getting used to for sure. Our evenings are very busy. Sam has been fussy when he gets home from school. After a few crazy evenings, I think we have figured out how to make our nights more peaceful and fun. One thing that helps is getting Sam moving with his new favorite CD. It includes "The Wheels on the Bus" and "I'm a Little Teapot." One good thing about school is all the new things Sam is learning. He now picks up toys and cleans up more readily. He will even help wipe his face off. They must dance a lot at school too. That is Sam's all time favorite thing right now. He is getting bigger and bigger. When he sits in his highchair, you can really tell his size. He used to be so small in it. His weight is somewhere between 29-30 pounds. It has remained pretty steady since he turned a year. His height has changed a lot more than his weight. I would say he is about 33-35 inches now. We will have to measure him again soon. His feet look so big to me. He is wearing a size 6 now in shoes. All his little socks barely fit anymore. We will be doing some major shopping in the coming weeks to get ready for fall. We really made do with bare necessities this summer. Until next time friends!
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