Where is the time going?! Our little baby is already 8 months old and not so little anymore. He's looking more and more like a little boy these days. He weighs 21 pounds and is 28 inches long. His growth has slowed quite a bit over the past 2 months. He's still growing, but I think Sam has finally hit a plateau. :) We thought Sam was going to start crawling yesterday. He has been rolling and scooting all over the place. Over this past week he has started pushing his belly off the ground. I think we'll have a crawler pretty soon. I'm not sure if we're ready for that....ready or not, here he comes. Sam's hair has grown a lot over the past month. He's not quite ready for a hair cut, but it is a lot longer. Halloween was fun. We dressed up as the 3 Little Bears. We visited a few neighbors and then headed to Grandmother and Granddad's house to trick-or-treat. Sam looked so cute in his bear costume. He kept smiling at himself in the mirror. Sam still has no teeth. He has been drooling like crazy and rubbing his gums with his thumb. This past week he got his first fever and runny nose. We weren't sure if he was getting his first cold or if he's just about to get his first tooth. We'll see.

Sam making a silly face. :)

Hanging out with his buddy Holden (1 year old).

Happy Halloween Grandmother!

Helping Granddad hand out candy. Do you like my sock top hat? :)

The 3 Little Bears

Am I cute or what!

Still a little wobbly on the whole sitting up thing.

Grandmother, Granddad, and Sam Bear

Sam's 1st work of art.

Making pizza.

Helping Daddy spread the sauce on the crust. What a big helper!
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