I asked Mommy to take me to the zoo on Saturday.
It was 28 degrees out, but we bundled up good.

There weren't a lot of animals out because of the cold, but we still had fun.

Here I am looking for my favorite....the otters.
They weren't out. :(

Another favorite of mine...the panda bears.
Look at all of that bamboo.
I told Mommy it looked like the panda was eating trees.

Good Morning YaYa!

Here she is saying good morning to me. :)

Hi LeLe!

Can you believe she came over to greet me.
How kind!

She showed me where she goes potty.....yucky!

Good girl LeLe for going potty!

Oooooh, pink flamingoes!

The dinosaurs are coming just in time for my birthday month.
I can't wait to see them.

I love the zoo!!!

I almost forgot, I bought another otter to keep Roger company.
It's a girl, but I haven't named her yet.

We stopped by Grandmother and Granddad's house after the zoo.
I'm racing Granddad down the stairs.

Look how big I look next to my Grandmother.
She gives good hugs. :)

Getting a little music time in before I leave.

I'm a silly boy!

Tickle, tickle, tickle