Is it time to go swimming?

Mommy wouldn't let me get to close to this guy.
I don't know why.

Is he supposed to be doing that?

This is one of my favorite exhibits at the zoo. The bonobos are always doing something funny. Today, one was playing with a ball while another was doing somersaults. They like to come up to the window and bang on it.

They started out inside today. The little one likes me a lot.

The family just moved outside to play.

They were pretty interested in me.

They really wanted some of my banana chips.

I love Bonobos!

Look, Ya-Ya is awake! Le-Le was asleep.

It looks like she is smiling. Cheese!

Look at all those Langurs.

I tried to share my snack, but there was glass in the way.

Bye-bye Langur Family.

I think I heard them say "See ya later Sam." :)

Hey Mr. Bear, you going swimming?

Your home sure is pretty.

Whoa, that's a big gorilla!

After the zoo, we picked up a pizza and headed to
Grandmother and Granddad's house.

Grandmother's cookies are delicious!

There's always something fun to play with at their house!