Monday, April 27, 2009
A Little Over 7 weeks Old

Thursday, April 23, 2009
What An Amazing Week!
Leaving the hospital. Ms. Karen walked us out. Sam and I will miss her terribly.
1st time in the car seat.
Aunt Melissa feeding Samuel a bottle.
Grandmother and Granddad enjoying their 16th grandchild.Daddy putting Sam down for a nap.
Posing with Aunt more pictures Sam says.
Sam's 1st time in his swing. He loves it!
Going for a stroller ride for the 1st time with Daddy, Mommy, Georgia, and Yankee.
Samuel enjoying some tummy time.
Talking to Aunt Debbie....he was just a gooing and gawing.
At the optamologist this morning. Waiting for Sam's eyes to dilate.
Waiting for the doctor to check Sam's eyes out. (Babies who have been on oxygen have to have routine eye exams.) Sam checked out just fine. Although, Mommy had to go wait in the hallway because Sam was crying. Good thing Daddy was there. :)
Our sweet little family.
Friday, April 17, 2009
6 Weeks Old Today

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Sam's Progress
Easter Sunday

On Easter Sunday, the nurses allowed us to bring Sam into a room with windows. After attending church service and filling up on a delicious Easter meal at my mom's house, my family came and stood outside the room to sneak a peek at our growing boy.
My Memphis Shower
My sisters Melissa and Jessica threw such a great shower!!!!!
Pics From Class Shower
Monday, April 13, 2009
Quick Update...New Pictures Coming Soon
Thursday, April 9, 2009
A Week At Glance
Sam is off his oxygen!!! He gulped a bottle down yesterday.
Getting ready for a diaper change....Shoo Weee! :)
I have to go back to school on May 11 for the last two weeks of school. That will be a very hard thing to do since I will just be getting my little guy home. Well, my mom and dad will be caring for Sam during that time. The nurses suggested that my mom start coming to get used to handling a preemie. Yesterday, Samuel was held by someone other Nick and I and the NICU nurses...... his Grandmother Willett (my mom).